
Please note: all events are subject to weather and tidal conditions. 

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Brooklyn Seafood Lunch – 15 February

Meet in Refuge/America Bays and travel together for Brooklyn for a seafood lunch at Lifeboat Seafood. A great way to enjoy Summer boating with fellow ABCC members. RSVPs are now open. Please confirm your interest to assist our planning.


First Friday – 7 March

Akuna Bay Marina

Join fellow members at our causal get together on the first Friday of each month! 6.00pm at the Akuna Bay members' lounge - BYO everything

Beach Ball at Hallet’s Beach – 15 March

RSVPS now open! Hallett’s Beach Ball – our iconic Beach Ball will be held at Hallet’s Beach again on Saturday March 15! Commodore’s drinks will be just after low tide (4.08 pm) at 5 pm then enjoy a beach soiree to remember!! Dress is formal from the waist up and a delicious catered dinner will […]

RSVP Now Free 40 spots left

First Friday – 4 April

Akuna Bay Marina

Join fellow members at our causal get together on the first Friday of each month! 6.00pm at the Akuna Bay members' lounge - BYO everything

Gosford Trip – 26 April

The return of a popular ABCC event! Travel in convoy through beautiful Brisbane Waters and spend the night at Gosford Sailing Club. Enjoy dinner at the club with ABCC friends and return on Sunday - or stay a few days! RSVPs are now open, so that you can confirm your interest and assist in our […]

First Friday – 2 May

Akuna Bay Marina

Join fellow members at our causal get together on the first Friday of each month! 6.00pm at the Akuna Bay members' lounge - BYO everything

Peats Bite Long Lunch – 3 May

The iconic Peats Bite Long Lunch will be on again for Members and friends! This is always a wonderful day at this beautiful Hawkesbury River venue offering a unique dining and entertainment experience with live music. RSVPs are now open! Menu details and pricing will be avaiable closer to the date, once confirmed with the […]

Whale Watching – 17/18 May

Spend the weekend at Coasters Retreat with a Whale Watching Expedition on May 17/18. Boats can head offshore to the “Whale Super Highway” off the Northern Beaches and return later to the Club’s 3 moorings at Coaster’s Retreat to enjoy a sheltered cocktail and dinner raft-up with your fellow Members. RSVPs open 2025

First Friday – 6 June

Akuna Bay Marina

Join fellow members at our causal get together on the first Friday of each month! 6.00pm at the Akuna Bay members' lounge - BYO everything

First Friday – 4 July

Akuna Bay Marina

Join fellow members at our causal get together on the first Friday of each month! 6.00pm at the Akuna Bay members' lounge - BYO everything

Xmas in July

Join your fellow Members for our traditional and popular Xmas in July will be held on July 19. most likely at our preferred location, Kaiser Stubn Austrian restaurant on McCarr’s Creek Rd, Terrey Hills . RSVPs open 2025

First Friday – 1 August

Akuna Bay Marina

Join fellow members at our causal get together on the first Friday of each month! 6.00pm at the Akuna Bay members' lounge - BYO everything


We’re always on the lookout for new ideas that are of interest to Members. Be it local fishing trips, kayaking the upper reaches of our river systems, culinary, progressive dinner (boat to boat) events in the marina, wine & cheese nights, info nights with guest speakers (boat safety & maintenance tips etc) – please let us know.